Okay, so now I feel terrible. No sooner than I announce that I'm blogging on a Tuesday, do I totally go and not write anything for weeks! My new line is that I will try to blog once per week, but it could be more or less; I'm not promising anything this time!
Today's blog is all about new years' resolutions. A cliche subject I know, but what else am I gonna write about around now?!
So I haven't really made any official resolutions. There's the usual 'be more organised', 'learn Italian, 'lose weight' blablabla. I'm not going to do any of those things. I'm just going to stay my same old self, but feel bad because I can't remember what comes after uno, due, tre. I can count higher in Welsh, and that's because I watched a tonne of Welsh TV in the summer holidays. My desk is a mess already and I've put on weight because of all those mince pies. So what. The weight'll fall off naturally in a few weeks and if everything is out on my desk, then I know where it is. So my thoughts on new year's resolutions are this: waste. of. effort. You're never going to do it so don't make yourself feel bad! I'm not saying don't try to change your lifestyle, quit smoking etc because you should- I'm saying only do it when your heart's in it and not just because of some stupid holiday. For help on stopping smoking visit:
And speaking of which, I've never really understood why we celebrate new year when we do. It would make more sense at the beginning of spring (around beginning of March) and not midwinter! January is so named because of Janus, the Roman god of beginnings but this still applies - why is January when it is? As far as I can tell, there is no astronomical reason for this either. If anyone knows anything about this, please leave a comment!
Well that's all for this post, folks! I hope you're all fine and dandy (can you see a catchphrase emerging here?) and I'll ramble a bit more soon :)
- Joanna Eve